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Neck Lift Specialist

Sanctuary Cosmetic Center

Plastic Surgery located in McLean, VA

As you age, the skin on your neck might start to sag and make you feel self-conscious about the appearance of getting older. The board-certified plastic surgeons at Sanctuary Cosmetic Center in McLean, Virginia, perform neck lifts to give you a natural, more youthful look. To schedule a consultation, call the office or book online today.

Neck Lift Q&A

What is a neck lift?

When your neck starts to show signs of aging, loose folds of skin may sit around the base of your neck and around your jaws. A neck lift can tighten up the area to give you a more defined jawline and a more youthful appearance.

The surgical procedure corrects a “turkey neck” or a “wattle.” Sanctuary Cosmetic Center uses invasive and noninvasive techniques to achieve a natural look. Your provider customizes your procedure for your individual needs. 

What techniques are used for a neck lift?

Your surgeon uses two different techniques for a neck lift: a platysmaplasty and a cervicoplasty. A platysmaplasty involves tightening and contouring the platysma muscle under the chin, where it’s weak. 

A cervicoplasty corrects the loose skin around your jawline and neckline. Your surgeon sews the middle of your neck together, just under the chin, then down the base of the neck, and back up. This procedure gives your neck a defined angle and a tight jawline.

When should I consider a neck lift?

Sanctuary Cosmetic Center reviews your specific condition to determine if neck lift surgery is right for you. 

You may want to consider the surgery if you have:

  • Loose skin on or around your neck
  • Excess fat under your chin
  • Sagging bands of skin around your jaw and neck
  • Excess neck skin or double chin from weight loss

Talk to your provider about your aesthetic goals to find out if you can benefit from a neck lift.

What are the benefits of a neck lift?

A neck lift makes your neck appear tighter, your double chin smaller, and your jawline more defined. The end result gives you a more youthful-looking face and can boost your self-esteem and confidence, as well. 

A neck lift can last up to 10 years.

What are the risks of neck lift surgery?

Risks are involved with any type of surgical procedure, including:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Scarring
  • Skin loss
  • Swelling

When your provider sits down with you for a consultation, you learn about any risks you might encounter with a neck lift procedure.

To learn more about neck lifts, call Sanctuary Cosmetic Center, or use the online booking tool to schedule a consultation today.

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