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Mommy Makeover Specialist

Sanctuary Cosmetic Center

Plastic Surgery located in McLean, VA

Do you have dreams of restoring your pre-baby figure? The board-certified plastic surgeons at Sanctuary Cosmetic Center in McLean, Virginia, can make that possible with a mommy makeover. To learn more about how you can get your shape back, schedule a consultation by calling the office or requesting an appointment online today.

Mommy Makeover Q&A

What is a mommy makeover?

After you have a baby, your body experiences physical changes. Depending on your genetic predisposition, your body might bounce back to your pre-pregnancy body. For others, it can be difficult to get your pre-pregnancy figure back. 

A mommy makeover offers you a solution with surgical procedures that target problem areas where pregnancy affected your body. 

When you visit Sanctuary Cosmetic Center for a consultation, you can talk about the areas you’d like to improve with your provider.

What is included in a mommy makeover?

Sanctuary Cosmetic Center offers two whole-body mommy makeovers. A mini mommy makeover includes a breast lift and liposuction. A full mommy makeover includes a breast lift, liposuction, and a modified or full tummy tuck.

Breast enhancement

Once you wean your child, your breasts can lose their volume. A breast lift corrects the sagginess and laxity you get after breastfeeding. To enhance the breast fullness on top, you might need implants.

Tummy tuck

Tummy tuck procedures vary based on the condition of the muscle and your skin laxity. You can get a full, extended, or mini tummy tuck with a smaller scar. If you have a C-section scar, your provider uses that mark for the incision to avoid additional scarring.


As you get back to your original weight, you might have excess fat in certain areas. Liposuction can help contour your body and get rid of extra fatty deposits.

Fat transfer

A fat transfer uses liposuction to take unwanted fat from an area of your body and inject it into areas that need it. You can get a Brazilian butt lift if you’ve lost volume in your buttocks or a natural breast augmentation to restore breast fullness if you don’t want implants.

Additional treatments include vaginal rejuvenation and hyperpigmentation and C-section scar correction.

Am I a good candidate for a mommy makeover?

You need to be in good health to receive a mommy makeover. Your provider gives you a thorough exam before approving you for the procedure.

If you’ve had a baby, a mommy makeover might be right for you if you struggle with:

  • Loss of elasticity in your abdominal area due to pregnancy
  • Weakness in your abdominal muscle
  • Loss of fullness in your breasts
  • Sagginess in your breasts

At your consultation, your provider at Sanctuary Cosmetic Center talks to you about your problem areas and develops a surgical plan to give you the results you desire.

To learn more about a mommy makeover and see if it’s right for you, call Sanctuary Cosmetic Center, or use the online booking tool today.

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