

Breast Lift

Lift and Rejuvenate Your Breasts 

What is a Breast Lift? 

The breast lift is a procedure designed to lift and rejuvenate breasts that have begun to sag and deflate. It does not add volume to the breasts like breast augmentation (although they are often performed together) but instead restores the breasts and their tissues to a more upright position on the chest wall. The result is a perkier, more youthful look. 

Why Sanctuary Cosmetic Center? 

At Sanctuary Cosmetic Center, we take a personalized approach to each patient. Our team will help you learn more and fully explore the best options for your goals during a consultation. 

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“Dr. Rostami is the ultimate Professional. Not only is she a competent physician and surgeon but she is also a very caring and empathetic person. I highly recommend her.”

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Am I A Good Candidate for a Breast Lift? 

Good candidates for a breast lift are women who have undergone pregnancy and nursing, resulting in flat, sagging breasts. Some women experience this as they age, too, making them also good candidates. You should be in overall good health and able to undergo surgery. During a consultation, our team will review your medical history and determine if you’re a good fit. 

Benefits of the Breast Lift 

The benefits of a breast lift include: 

  • Lifted, perky breasts even when not wearing a bra 
  • Better symmetry 
  • Firmer, rounder breasts 
  • Better nipple projection 

The Breast Lift Procedure 

The breast lift procedure is performed using general anesthesia. A variety of incision patterns are available, and our team will review them in detail during your consultation. Once an incision has been made, the breast tissue will be reshaped and lifted higher on the chest. Excess skin will be removed, and the nipples may be repositioned. Afterward, you can return home to recover. 

Soheila Rostami, MD, FAAO, FAACS

Soheila Rostami, MD, FAAO, FAACS

Medical Director and CEO


Meet Dr. Soheila Rostami: A Leader in Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery Soheila Rostami, MD, FAAO, FAACS, is a distinguished double board-certified surgeon, renowned for…

Breast Lift Results 

The breast lift can produce immediate results, although swelling will obscure your final results for several weeks. You can expect some discomfort, and our team will give you detailed instructions on how to manage it. You will wear a specialized surgical bra throughout your recovery to support your new breasts and relieve pressure from the incisions. Within 1-2 months, your results will be complete. Avoiding future pregnancies is recommended to extend your results’ life. 

Schedule a Consultation 

To learn more about the breast lift, contact Sanctuary Cosmetic Center today and schedule a consultation. We’re conveniently located to serve the greater Washington, D.C. areas of Arlington, Falls Church, McLean, and Odrick’s Corner.

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Our private, accredited surgical facility offers you the opportunity for a comfortable, private experience with your procedure. You don’t need to worry about going to the hospital – instead, you can enjoy the amenities of our spa-like environment while you focus on yourself.


We look forward to seeing how we can help you achieve a new level of confidence. Contact our team to set up a private consultation and explore everything we have to offer at Washington, D.C.’s premier cosmetic provider.

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